
This blog only represents a fraction of my thoughts.  Just this morning I was lying awake in bed from 4AM to 5AM, mind racing about Free Will vs. Determinism.  But it wasn’t unpleasant (as lying there only with your thoughts in the middle of the night usually is), it was very enlightening and pleasant.  At the time I wished I was writing all those thoughts down but I think I would have lost something if I did.  Granted, I can’t remember the exact flow of thoughts now but I was at peace and I was happy where they lead me.  I’ll let them marinate in my subconscious for a little while longer and when those thoughts are ready to be put down on paper, I’ll be right here.


But it got me thinking about the importance of allowing your mind to work in free flow.  “Anti-Meditation” as I am calling it.  Don’t attempt to calm it.  Let it wander and pull on threads at a pace too fast for order and much too fast for writing down.  But a common theme is there.  Narrow and deep, rather than wide and shallow.  And see where it takes you.


It was Seneca who said “Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well-ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.”  I’ll take that as an indicator that I’m making progress on my journey of wisdom.